

18 July 2008... hey...it's my 100th post!!!

akhiran, i made my payments for my ticket to a far away land.
i am positive that this will be an interesting new journey for me, insyaAllah.

alone at home now. Ita at work, the two girls went shopping spree @ klcc.
i cant go as i feel tired. sick again, yeah. too easy to get sick these days.

tonite, i will go fetch a friend of mine at puduraya.
been waiting for this for a while. wanting to meet up, that is.

my time is running out, and theres a lot to do. a lot of promises, a lot of details.
i hope i wont drop like a fly when im finished. hehehehe

tomorrow i will go on a day trip to Kuala Selangor with Aisyah. She wanted to do this too much, and theres no one to go with her.
we will go see the kunang-kunang tomorrow. I hope it wont rain...insyaAllah.

Sunday i will go to Dataran Merdeka for a BigWalk (MII's organised charity walk). Gonna have fun!!! (Fun? 7km walk..fun?..ehehehe)

cik dien...isya nak dengar lagu AZ! cik dien is listening to AZ now dear one!!! :)

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