
pag| yang sejuk

I went to Chow Kit market today.
Drove Nissa's Gen2, and took a long way home.
Snapped pictures of my way home.
The phone's cam is superb.. no shaking effect at all..

Such beautiful sceneries.
It was cloudy and drizzling and cold...

Ill miss KL one day...

a|ways b my baby?


tazk|rah Jumaat

‏خَصْلَتَانِ من كَالم يَكْتُبْهُ الله شَاكِرًا ولا صَابِرًا من نَظَرَ في دِينِهِ إلى من هو فَوْقَهُ فَاقْتَدَنَتَا فيه كَتَبَهُ الله شَاكِرًا صَابِرًا وَمَنْ لم تَكُونَا فيه ى بِهِ ونظر في دُنْيَاهُ إلى من هو دُونَهُ فَحَمِدَ اللَّهَ على ما فَضَّلَهُ بِهِ عليه
Maksudnya : Dua perkara yang sesiapa dapat perolehinya akan ditulis dirinya sebagai hamba yang bersyukur dan sabar, sesiapa yang gagal dalamnya, tidak akan ditulis sebagai orang bersyukur dan sabar. Iaitu sesiapa yang melihat tentang agamanya kepada mereka yang jauh lebih baik darinya, lalu ia berusaha mengikutinya, dan dalam hal keduniaan mereka melihat kepada orang-orang yang kurang darinya sehingga ia memuji Allah atas nikmat yang diperolehinya
(Riwayat At-Tirmidzi, 4/665; Hadis Sohih menurut Tirmidzi dan Albani)

Ulasan Hadith:

Hadith di atas menerangkan tentang ciri-ciri orang yang sabar dan bersyukur iaitu orang-orang yang sentiasa meningkatkan kualiti amalan kebajikan yang dilakukannya dengan mengambil contoh yang baik daripada orang lain serta sentiasa bersyukur atas nikmat yang Allah kurniakan kepadanya jika dibandingkan dengan orang-orang yang lebih susah.

Rasulullah s.a.w mengajar kita, dalam hal keagamaan untuk sentiasa mencari dan memikirkan amalan dan kehebatan mereka yang lebih dari kita, manakala dalam hal dunia melihat mereka yang lebih kurang bernasib baik, dengannya kita akan sentiasa mensyukuri nikmatNya.

Namun adalah malang kerana ramai yang mengamalkan hadis ini secara terbalik. Dalam hal dunia sering kita dipengaruhi oleh mereka yang lebih kaya dan berharta sehingga nafsu keduniaan meningkat dan tidak mementingkan aspek hukum halal haram.

Dalam bab akhirat pula ada yang sering melihat orang yang lebih teruk darinya, lalu mengganggap dirinya agak lebih baik. Antara perkataan yang dikeluarkan mereka ialah “ sekurang-kurangnya aku telah memakai tudung, lebih baik daripada orang yang tidak pakai tudung” atau “ aku tetap bersolat walau pun tidak pernah cukup 5 waktu, dibandingkan dengan orang yang tidak pernah solat, aku jauh lebih baik”.

Kenapa dalam soal ibadah kita sering membuat perbandingan dengan orang yang tidak melakukannya atau tidak sempurna melakukannya. Alangkah indahnya jika kita membandingkan dengan orang yang melaksanakan perkara tersebut dengan sempurna sebagaimana yang selalu dilakukan di tempat kerja? Sudah tentu amalan kita akan bertambah baik kualitinya dan memenuhi piawaian yang telah ditetapkan oleh Allah s.w.t.

Biarlah kita mendapat kebaikan dan kecemerlangan di dunia dan akhirat. Jadikan dunia sebagai ladang yang hasilnya akan kita tuai di akhirat kelak.



Craz|ly lazy

Arghh.. lazy lazy lazzzyyyyy...
I cant type anything for my blog.

mental blockage....for hours trying to type something...
I have a lot of drafts... really a lot!! sigh....



Dunno what happened.
Found myself to be oversesitive these days.
Hmm... offended over such small things.
Getting annoyed over something that i never cared before.
Senile? Loosing it? Oh Aida.. do get a grip!!!


I can't believe it's over / I watched the whole thing fall / And I never saw the writing that was on the wall / If I'd only knew / The days were slipping past / That the good things never last / That you were crying/Summer turned to winter / And the snow it turned to rain / And the rain turned into tears upon your face / I hardly recognize the girl you are today / And God I hope it's not too late / It's not too late / 'Cause you are not alone / I'm always there with you / And we'll get lost together / Until the light comes pouring through / It's when you feel like you're done / And the darkness has won / Babe, you're not lost / When your world's crashing down / And you can't bear the cross / I said, babe, you're not lost / Life can show no mercy / It can tear your soul apart / It can make you feel like you've gone crazy but you're not / Things have seemed to change / There's one thing that's still the same / In my heart you have remained / And we can fly fly fly away...


What feng shu| sa|d about a|da?

You are conservative and aggressive. You have a lot of love and friendships in your life.

You will have a strong love relationship that will not last long but the memories will last forever.

Your life will take on a different direction, it will seem hard at time but will be the best thing for you, you will be glad for the change.

"4", This is how many close friends you have in your lifetime.

You are a laid back person. You are loyal to your friends and your lover and are very reserved.

True? Some are... i am not sure on the '4' anyway, as i dun think i have a 'close friend' by far.. :)


newest add|ctIon

I know i am easily distracted, easily influenced, and easily get addicted to something.

And last two weeks, when i went to MPH - Jusco Maluri, i saw this very nicely covered book, titled : Twilight - by Stephenie Meyer (http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/). And i got hooked!!!

I fell in love... so deeeeeeply with Edward Cullen (more a reason to call Q - Osmond now).. LOL..

Now reading the second saga, New Moon.

Can't wait for the last one - Eclipse!! (I already seen the book - will buy it when i finished New Moon.. gugugugu)..

And the most anticipated Novel of 2008 - the grand finale of the epic : Breaking Dawn (will be released on August 2nd, 2008).. oh wooww.... this should be in my wish list..


s|ck aga|N!

Sick again.
Not sure why I always fell sick these days.
One friend said that may be its because of my mind is not that clear these days, and its effecting my system. Another said, simply coz I am not taking care of myself.

Well… i said... may be its because of the weather :)

Anyhow, I went back to ipoh last weekend.

Met Adam Danish for the very first time. Cute boy, look very much like the daddy, as her sister did before. I tried to snap pictures of him, but I think the most beautiful pictures has been taken by 4 years old Alisya. Alisya is a camera freak. She snapped so many pictures the two days I was baby sitting her and Adam!! Of course, the pictures are shady, some are very good, but hey.. i think we will have another Malak Karsh in the family.. LOL

Pictures of Adam Danish...taken by Alisya...